I have to admit, I hadn’t heard of When It Rain’s the first installment in the Rain series until I pondered onto Changing Forever (Rain #2).
Boy was I missing out.
Lisa De Jong strung out emotion after emotion whilst I read Changing Forever. Emery and Drake’s narrative was a sonnet of raw flawless emotion and heart; first off it was a little weird to read.. my last name is Drake so that was fun because I didn’t think the name Drake was popular.
Moving on, the narrative was crawl into a ball and cry, smile with joy and a bundle of emotional feelings all in one. It hits all the right holes in one. Breathtaking, heartbreaking, strung with a book hangover was what I had. It was flawless in it’s ability to create headstrong and gorgeous characters that rope every emotion to your width end whilst reading.
“When you love someone, like that deep down, absorbent kind of live, you want to spend every minute you can with them. Being in love is the best feeling in the world, and once you have it, you’ll never want to lose it.” – Changing Forever by Lisa De Jong
I don’t give any spoilers away. It’s not me. Honestly though, a high recommended read and a 5 STAR rating because of the breathtaking, chain gripping emotions and narrative brilliance that is intertwined throughout the whole novel. Lisa, I am a new fan of yours and am so grateful for finding this story and you’re work
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