Swoooon! Dear God, Kelly Elliott’s newly released book Broken Dreams I swear I could read a million, billion and trillion times. Broken Dreams is book 2 in the Broken Series and this book is focused on Courtney and Reed. OMG. Reed. I can’t express how much this book makes me happy. As a reader, I love finding books that will stick with me and will show so much love and happiness. Let’s get something straight, REED has out-swooned Gunner (Wanted Series) in my opinion and I love Gunner to death.
So enough of me gushing like a five year girl who just got a new Barbie doll. I absolutely loved how Courtney and Reed interact. Reed I tell you is the biggest swooner. If there are any Reeds out there please stand forward and let me know. Not only does Reed support and love Courtney as the build a relationship but he is just such an amazing character and a credit to the magnificent Kelly Elliott in that she has created characters with so much heart. Courtney’s past plays an important role in the narrative and I think my heart broke about a million times when she was sad and crying. Have no fear though, Reed is the best and his support is just amazing. Reed exemplifies the “book boyfriend status” to oblivion. I believe in such a heartfelt book, that the characters really did strive to be each others heart and soul. SWOON your heart out is all I can say. If I could recommend any book in the world for you to read it is Broken Dreams and actually any of Kelly Elliott’s books.
You all know what my rating is going to be because I can’t stop smiling like a mother after she has given birth. (giving you all some great metaphors today I know ha-ha) I rated ‘Broken Dreams’ a BEYOND rating, because it is captures an uncanny heart ship of romance, heart, soul and is just plain SWOON worthy. I didn’t give too much away here because you need to read it.

Oh…and I like to sit down and write in my spare time!
I live in the Texas hill country and one of my favorite things to do is go for hikes around our property with my second favorite man, Gus….my chocolate lab and my sweet girl Rose, our golden retriever. When I’m not outside helping the hubby haul brush or move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for me that day, you will find me inside reading, writing or watching HGTV and soaking in a nice hot bubble bath…..yeah that last one I just made up but it sure does sound nice!!!