*BOOK REVIEW* Made in Nashville – Mandy Baggot

Today’s book review is on Made in Nashville by the delightful Mandy Baggot.



An on-stage attack left Honor Blackwood with more scars than just the one on her face. It’s been ten years since she left her spot as Nashville’s brightest country music star. Is now the time to return? And is she brave enough to do it?

Country rebel and rock star, Jared ‘Jed’ Marshall is hot property on the Tennessee music scene in more ways than one. He’s wild, he’s sexy and everybody wants a piece of him. But when he sets his sights on Honor, is it pure attraction or just distraction on his mind?

Honor’s record label sign the ex-boyfriend that dumped her and suddenly going back to her old life is harder than she thought. Can she get a new contract? Will she get to perform at the Marlon Festival? Or will Dan Steele destroy everything?

When a secret from the past becomes public knowledge it’s no longer just about the music. Are all the people in her life lying to her to get what they want? And who is really behind the anonymous gifts she keeps getting sent?

Join the country scene to find out.

GoodReads: http://tiny.cc/cn2pbx


The purpose of music is to convey a lovely eminent soundtrack to the heart. Different genres, and different worlds collide in the beautifully written book ‘Made in Nashville’ by Mandy Baggot.

The music of conveying emotions can sometimes be best done through the feelings we hold. I absolutely loved Made in Nashville it was a raw and emotional read into how you find love and how in the music industry life secrets are never secret for long and the public persona that is spread leaks little to what is true. I loved the portrayal of Honor Blackwood are the up and coming bright country star who because of an attack is left not knowing the cards to the future and what she really wants. Enter the bad boy of country Jed, on the eye of every fan girl and media outlet he sets something unique within his character personally. Jed to me was the lead of the good and bad combined, he invoked all the feelings of truth worthy and loyal but also had the distinction of secretive and vulnerable about his past.

The scenes that I enjoyed the most were the quiet scenes where we so much character development in how Honor and Jed feel. Emotionally what drives this narrative is the will to move past your demons and create a life that you enjoy. I loved turning over every page because Honor and Jed brought out the best in each other. Through all the twists and turns of Honors ex-boyfriend being signed to  her label and will she perform at the Marlon Festival the country scene adapted in this narrative flows and keeps you wanting to read.  The ending leaves resolution and warmth with stones turned in to new beginnings and because of the chance meeting an amazingly good read.

Overall, I rated ‘Made in Nashville’ an amazing 5-Lit Love, because it was a beautifully written delightful read of the country scene and how moving forward can sometimes be hard but it opens up a world of opportunities to face with passion, grief, love and an ever present love for country.


Amazon US: http://amzn.com/B00HY5XGN2

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HY5XGN2

Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00HY5XGN2

Barnes & Noble: http://tiny.cc/z82pbx

One thought on “*BOOK REVIEW* Made in Nashville – Mandy Baggot

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