Book Review: Storm Shells – G.J Walker-Smith

Hi lovelies,

The final installment in Adam and Charli’s magical tale has arrived. Don’t freak out, we already know Alex and Ryan will have stories of there own in future books.

I first want to say a huge thank you to the lovely author of Storm Shells and the Wishes trilogy GJ Walker-Smith because she is just amazing and responds to most of her fans questions and messages.

So lets jump right to it; Storm Shells is Book #3 of the Wishes Series and it enchants us from where we left of at the end of ‘Second Hearts.’17820485

A rule of thumb when it comes to wishes, if you save them all up you can be a millionaire at the end. The duo narrative ignites flames, breaks your heart, brings magic and you can hear the waves crash in Piper’s Cove all over again. GJ has done it again with the enticement to follow through in the last book of Adam and Charli’s tale. I am sure I am not the only one who finished the book with joy, yet with an overall feeling that something great has just been finalized within the writing of the page.

Charli returns to Piper’s Cove, husband-less but as powerful and strong minded as ever. Adam is never far from Charli’s heart, even if it confuses the life out of those who love her. A change of events throws Adam and Charli into making some hard decisions when it comes to life, and the future. The duo of Charli and Adam, is what makes whole heartily a beautiful serenade to love, life and what you will give up for the ones you love.

You will cry, you will smile, you will find new alliances that you never thought would happen.. all together it is a treasure like so many wishes are. Treasure the one’s you love like Charli and her wishes, can can either save them up or spend them. Belief in love, sacrifice and wishes has influenced a great deal of GJ’s work its all about growing and learning what is important to you.

Old Friends will return, new alliances will appear, Alex will chop wood. Storm Shell’s displays the importance of wishes and the importance of being who you are. I absolutely loved every single character in this book. I don’t think I could pick a favourite because it would be like trying to pick a wish which is very hard.

I thought I would share one of favourite quote from the novel and funny enough Ryan said it. “So what’s the plan for winning her back? It better involve buckets of glitter and butterfly dust or you’re screwed.” I love Ryan, is is probably one of my favourite characters behind Adam and Charli. This quote is just magical and essence of glitter and butterfly dust makes me smile.

I would highly recommend reading the novella (2.5) of the series if you haven’t already called ‘Sand Jewels’ which shows Alex and Gabrielle’s journey, before Adam arrives. I am excited for the next releases of Ryan’s story and Alex’s story. Seeing magic is about seeing what doesn’t appear straight away; if you freeze two photographs magic is noticing the difference in time.

Overall. I loved it, the romance; the sacrifice; the return of old alliances and the creation of new ones creates a lovely magical novel in the concluding Adam and Charli’s magical tale.

Storm Shells is Available on Itunes and Amazon.

Storm Shells (Itunes) –

Storm Shells (Amazon) –

‘Sand Jewels’ (Novella- 2.5) –

GJ Walker-Smith Facebook Page

Until Next Time



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